conventional war

英 [kənˈvenʃənl wɔː(r)] 美 [kənˈvenʃənl wɔːr]




  1. It was a conventional war.
  2. While the chances are that Mr Kim is bluffing, they say, a conventional war could quickly turn nuclear since the young and frightened leader might see no other hope of staying in power but escalation.
  3. From now on, the US would be equipped to fight just one conventional war rather than two simultaneously.
  4. It is more common to worry that Mr Putin may launch an all-out conventional war in Ukraine – or encourage uprisings by Russian-speakers in the Baltic states, which are members of Nato.
  5. This mission is sometimes discussed under the rubric of 'horizontal escalation'. from conventional to nuclear war ( Jack Beatty)
  6. This well-written, conventional war history raises the question of whether or not the Americans might have lost the War of Independence, and as the author argues, very nearly did.
  7. Loss or damage caused by conventional weapons of war including mines, torpedoes and bombs;
  8. And the Western allies have likewise made far-reaching proposals to reduce the danger of conventional war and to place a total ban on chemical weapons.
  9. During this Iowa debate, he accused his fellow candidates of "conventional thinking" that led the country into war in Iraq.
  10. Although readers might not agree with all the views expressed by the authors, each essay explores the boundaries of conventional thinking and raises serious questions on the changing nature of war.
  11. The Ukrainian government knows that it would lose a conventional war with Russia, whose military is larger and better-equipped.
  12. Over the two years since George W. Bush appointed Mr Gates in 2006, the military-and particularly the army-shifted its operational focus from conventional war to irregular warfare and counter-insurgency operations.
  13. A conventional conflict might become a nuclear war.
  14. If a conventional war broke out, which one of the two countries would win?
  15. Inmarsat is a concentrative high-tech product of conventional global maritime communication, secure communication, the practical integration of War preparations.
  16. Rather than fighting a conventional war, America would need to contain Soviet hostility firmly and consistently over the long term.
  17. This enthralling book by Jay Taylor of Harvard University shows that these conventional views of both Chiang and the Chinese civil war are caricatures.
  18. There must be a possibillty that a conventional war could go nuclear.
  19. Escalate a conventional war into an annihilating atomic war
  20. By the way, I do not see a war happening, and if so, the Chinese know they cannot win a conventional war with India and never a nuclear war!
  21. Chinese success challenges the conventional political wisdom formed after the cold war about the superiority of democracy as an economic system.
  22. Comparison of Time for Conventional Nursing Operation on a Land Base and on a War Ship under Degree 4 Sea Situation
  23. This paper gives the requirements of conventional submarine in 21st century according to modern war and submarine mission.
  24. Compared with other contemporary literary works on war, Tolstoy's war fictions broke with the conventional romantic and heroic mode of writing about war, and were trying to depict war as it is.
  25. Under modern super science and technology conditions, how to active defence a local conventional war is our coming main army building thinking.
  26. Israel faces three main threats: The threat of Weapons of mass destruction; Conventional war threat; Low-intensity conflict threat.
  27. With the change and upgrade of traditional war model, the conventional active radar which functioned as the war detection in the past is suffering from the technology application bottlenecks, because of endless appearance of the anti-radiation weapons, the active radar faces the huge threats to survival.
  28. Judging from the development of word military situation, using accuracy guidance weapon to form conventional deterrence force to capture war initiative is one mode of the future war.
  29. Russia lowered the threshold of using nuclear weapons that it could use nuclear weapon to repulse the enemy when its conventional forces failed to do so in a regional war.
  30. As a military organization in the conventional meaning, after the end of the cold war and the collapse of the Warsaw Treaty, NATO still exists.